Constitution - Lloyd's of London Shotgun Club

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The title of the club shall be Lloyd’s of London Shotgun Club

The headquarters of the club shall be Lloyd’s, 1 Lime Street, London. EC3M 7HA.

The objects and aims of the club shall be to foster and encourage the support of clay and game shooting and organise practise shoots, to arrange matches and competitions, both among members, the insurance community and affiliated clubs, and to improve both the standard of shooting and the number of shotgun certificate holders amongst the membership.

The Club is a non-profit making organisation. All profit and surpluses will be used to maintain or improve the Club’s facilities or events. No profit or surplus will be distributed other than to Members on winding up or dissolution of the Club. A proposal to dissolve the Club shall be dealt with in the same manner as a proposal to alter or add to the constitution. On dissolution of the Club its surplus property and funds shall be divided equally among current properly paid-up Members.

The management committee of the shall be composed of the President, optional Vice President(s), Chairman, Treasurer, Statistics officer, auditor and up to 5 additional committee members, all of whom shall be elected by the club members at each Annual General Meeting. The retiring members of the management shall be eligible for re-election. The committee shall have the power to add to the number of vice-presidents for the current year. President and Vice President(s) such posts being honorary, and are without voting powers.

Unless decided otherwise at the Annual General Meeting, the Chairman shall serve a 3-year period at the end of that time he shall automatically eligible to stand for Club President. Each President shall serve a 3-year period, at the end of which he shall become an honoury life member and shall not pay any subsequent membership subscriptions. A president may be elected, at the discretion of the Annual General Meeting, who has not previously been either a member or Club Chairman.

The committee shall have the power to fill any vacancies during the year, and shall have the power to form sub-committees as may be required.

All monies received on behalf of the club shall forthwith be paid into the account of the club at a recognised bank or building society, at the discretion of the Treasurer who alone shall have power to draw on such an account, subject to there being at least two authorised signatories (other than husband/wife relationships) on any withdrawal of club funds. No cheques greater than £2,500 shall be drawn unless previously sanctioned by a quorum of the committee. No prizes or other such articles shall be purchased or debts or liabilities incurred on behalf of the club by a person without the previous sanction of a resolution of the committee, general meeting of the club, or by agreement of a quorum of the committee.

The accounts shall be audited by the duly appointed committee member every year and every three years or sooner, at the discretion of the committee, by an independent firm of chartered accountants. The club accounts shall be audited by a member of the committee duly appointed to the task who may invite others to his sub-committee. The firm of chartered accountants shall be confirmed and re-appointed at each Annual General Meeting.

The annual subscription and joining fee of the club shall be at the discretion of the committee. The committee retains the right to alter these fees during the course of the year, their actions to be ratified at the next Annual General Meeting. The financial year of the club shall be from the April to April of the following year.

The club shall be affiliated to the Clay Pigeon Shooting Association (CPSA) and members shall adopt any rules or recommendations proposed by the CPSA as rules or byelaws. The committee has a duty to adequately relay any rules or recommendations of the CPSA without undue delay to its members.

The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held by the end of April each year, or as soon after the finalisation of the accounts. Thirty days’ notice shall be given to all members. Resolutions to be proposed at the meeting shall be given in writing to the secretary fourteen clear days before the meeting. The secretary shall also issue proxy voting forms to all members thirty clear days before the meeting, giving the membership the right to vote for the election of club members for positions on the committee or to appoint another member to vote in their place at the meeting. A member will still be able to vote in person at the AGM subject to him notify the Chairman that he has withdrawn his proxy vote. For the Annual General meeting to re-elect officers or pass any resolutions a quorum is required. A quorum shall consist of at least 3 serving committee members, plus at least 9 other members including proxy votes or 15% of the current club membership whichever is the greater.

On a petition signed by at least two thirds of the members of the club, being presented in writing to the Secretary, an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called within thirty days of the date of the presentation of the petition to consider the matter contained therein only.

The committee shall have the power to form such byelaws as they consider will be conducive to the good of the club and to the encouragement of the sport. Such byelaws to be ratified at the next Annual General Meeting.

A candidate for election shall be proposed and seconded by members of the club, or by a known member of the London insurance community, who in turn shall be personally known by at least one member of the committee. The candidate shall then submit a completed application form or as requested by the committee. The committee shall then vote at the first committee meeting subsequent to the received application or at another date at the discretion of the committee.

Any member who subscription is unpaid after sixty days of receiving due notice shall not be allowed any privileges, including the right to attend club organised events. The committee may post notice of such defaulters and then, at their discretion, strike out such names. At the discretion of the committee an additional re-joining fee may be charged.

Members shall, subject to the approval of any committee member present, have the right of introducing visitors to practise or to shoot in open competitions, provided that any member so introducing a visitor shall be liable for any debts incurred by the guest to the club as well as ensuring safe behaviour of the guest. Should the member wish to bring more than one guest to a shoot then the member must seek prior permission at the time of applying for a particular event.

The committee shall be empowered to request the resignation of any member if it is proved to their satisfaction that the member’s conduct warrants it; and in the event of failing to resign, the committee may remove such member’s name without further notice. The member under resignation has the right to appeal at the next Annual General Meeting, though until that time they shall remained suspended without membership benefits.

Any resolution of the committee shall require a majority vote of the members present and voting. The Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer retains the right to defer the vote until the next meeting or the Chairman can give a casting vote so long as a quorum is present. A quorum must consist of the Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer plus three other committee members.

A safety officer must be appointed at each shoot, unless notified to the contrary this will be the official committee member responsible for organising that particular shooting event. A list of approved safety officers shall be maintained by the committee should the responsible committee member be unable to attend an event. The club encourages any member who wishes to undertake CPSA approved safety courses and agrees to pay all reasonable expenses.

All club members are under strict instructions to follow the rules and safety orders of any ground that is not under the direct control or responsibility of the club. The safety officer may at any time remove, from the shooting ground, members or their guests, or the entire club, if the officer feels that there is a danger to members or other shooters at the officer’s sole discretion.

It is recognised that the club does not control or run any shooting grounds and that the independent grounds maintain all legal control that the club sub-contracts for its shooting events. It is therefore a condition precedent of membership that the club shall not be held legally liable or responsible for any accident and/or injury to members or visitors whilst on these grounds. Notwithstanding the aforementioned the committee will maintain in force a general insurance policy to cover any actions by its members to a third party resulting in an injury or damage, whilst on an officially organised club event.

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